Cannabidiol (CBD) is readily available in stores across the state, in result of the Agricultural Improvement Act of 2018 (Farm Bill). Legally in South Dakota, marketed CBD products can’t have higher than a 0.3% THC concentration. However, companies have mislabeled their products, providing false and missing information. In Colorado, CBD producers have received warning letters from the Food & Drug Administration (FDA), informing companies of their false claims. Although there have been laboratory studies suggesting a benefit in arthritis pain, there are no well-designed studies with compelling evidence that CBD in fact, improves pain. With regulations of CBD being based on the percent THC concentration, there is no definite amount of CBD & THC being consumed; considering the amount of THC varies depending on the quality of the product and metabolism after consumption. Therefore, ingestion of oral CBD products may be harmful. Likewise, there are unrecognizable problems of cannabis growth involving soil contamination, improper pesticide use, poor quality control and varying concentrations.  If you choose to use CBD, visit with your physician and know that you might not get the benefit your were hoping for.  

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