March is National Nutrition Month and even though we are at the tail end of the month, healthy nutrition should be a top priority year-round. “Personalize Your Plate” is the theme this year, and I couldn’t think of a better way to teach people about nutrition. We are all different and have different nutritional needs. What is good for one person may be bad for the next. My stance is that all foods have a purpose and learning how to use foods appropriately may make night or day difference in how you feel. Nutrition can be confusing and getting your information from the internet or social media is not always the best idea. Just because a special diet or style of eating worked for one person, does not mean it will work for you. Some people can tolerate gluten, others cannot. One person may lose weight limiting their carb intake, others may not. Diabetics may need to limit their carb intake while endurance athletes need to focus on getting enough carbs. There is not a “one-size fits all” approach to healthy eating. That is where a Registered Dietitian, Nutritionist can help. RDN’s have the education and expertise to help individuals personalize their plate and encourage everyone to make informed food choices and develop sound eating and physical activity habits they can follow all year long. To schedule a visit with April Sorensen RDN, call 605-598-6262.

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